
ACC American Chemistry Council
AEC ASEAN Economic Community One of three pillars that supports "ASEAN Community together with "ASEAN Policy and Security Community(APSC)" and "ASEAN Society and Culture Community(ASCC)." Intended to make 10 ASEAN member countries (Indonesia, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, The Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam, Malaysia, Myanmar and Laos) one economic sphere.
AEM-METI ASEAN Economic Ministers and METI
(Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Japan-ASEAN Economic Ministers meet to discuss economic cooperation and coordination between Japan and ASEAN.
AMEICC ASEAN Economic Ministers and METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee Japan-ASEAN Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee. Substructure of Japan-ASEAN Economic Ministers meeting.
AIST-MeRAM National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology -Multi-Purpose ecological Risk Assessment and Management Tool AIST’s multi-purpose ecological risk assessment and management tool. Software for managing the ecological risk assessment of chemical substances.
AJCSD The ASEAN-Japan Chemical Safety Database Database established by Japan and each ASEAN country based on the agreement of ASEAN Economic Ministers and METI Economic and Industrial Cooperation Committee (AMEICC) Working Group on Chemical Industry (WG-CI).
AOTS The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships An organization for human resources development in developing countries to promote technical cooperation through training, expert dispatch and other programs.
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Framework for economic cooperation by 21 economies in the Asia-Pacific region.
APRCC Asia Pacific Responsible Care Conference Asia Pacific Responsible Care Conference. International Meeting held with the aim of transmission of information and commoditizing of RC activities in each country toward sustainable development of the chemical industry in the Asia-Pacific region. Meeting held by APRO.
ARCP ASEAN Regulatory Cooperation Project
APRO Asia Pacific Responsible Care Organization Established in 2003 as an organization for supporting APRCC. Currently Japan is the chair.
ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations A regional cooperative organization comprising ten countries in Southeast Asia for economy, society, politics, security, and culture. The headquarters is located in Jakarta, Indonesia.
BAU Business as usual CO2, emissions which are given by multiplying CO2, amount per production volume in the base year by production volume in the target year.
BIAC Business at OECD (The Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD) Business and Industry Advisory Committee. Private Economic advisory committee to the OECD.
It consists of private economic organizations in affiliate countries of OECD.
BIGDr The Base of Information Gathering, sharing & Dissemination for risk management of chemical products Total information system that comprehensively supports and promotes GPS/JIPS activities.
Cefic European Chemical Industry Council
Chemical information Sharing and Exchange under Reporting Partnership in supply chain Information transmission scheme of chemicals in products
Chemicals in the THEATRE[Tractable and Heuristic E-Archive for Traceability and Responsible-care Engagement] A platform developed by NAKAYAMA Kei PhD et al. of Ehime University Center for Marine Environmental Studies for amassing and visualizing environmental pollutant monitoring data.
cLCA carbon -Life Cycle Analysis Carbon footprint and life cycle assessment. The CO 22 emissions during the life cycle (material sampling, manufacturing, distribution, use, and disposal) of final product using chemical products and that of final product using comparative products are compared, and that difference is considered as emissions that increase when those chemical products were not used and calculated as net contribution to avoided emissions.
COP25 The 25th session of the Conference of the Parties The UN Climate Change Conference COP 25 held in Madrid, Spain from December 2 through December 15, 2019.
CP&HLG Chemical Policy and Health Leadership Group An organization within ICCA
CPCIF China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation
E&CC LG Energy and Climate Change Leadership Group An organization within the ICCA
EPA Economic Partnership Agreement
ESG ESG refers to Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance. These are three core factors in measuring whether a company can sustainably develop.
EU taxonomy Principles and standards that set forth economic activities that contribute to the EU sustainability policy for the purpose of helping the navigation of funds to be used for economic activities that substantially alleviate climate change.
GADSL Global Automotive Declarable Substance List List of substances already restricted or planned to be restricted worldwide by countries and published by the GASG with the possibility of being contained in automotive products.
GASG Global Automotive Stakeholders Group Organization constructed and established by representatives of automotive, automotive parts, and chemicals manufacturers in Japan, Europe, and United States for the purpose of continuously exchanging and sharing information through the supply chain of the global automotive industry in order to achieve reductions in the environmental load through the life cycle of automotive.
GHG Green House Gas
GHS Globally Harmonized System of classification and labelling of chemicals Globally harmonized system concerning classification and labeling of chemicals. System for classifying chemicals by type and degree of hazard according to globally unified rules with labeling to make the information understandable at a glance and provide a safety data sheet. Issued from UN in 2003.
GPS Global Product Strategy Voluntary approaches for performing risk evaluations of chemical products by each company in order that each company minimizes the risk of chemicals through the whole supply chain by implementing appropriate management based on the risk and disclosing the information on safety and risk to general society including customers.
GSS GPS Safety Summary Safety summary document
ICCA International Council of Chemical Associations
ICCA GRC International Council of Chemical Associations Global Regulatory Cooperation Organization within the ICCA CP&H LG that promotes the introduction of efficient and reasonable management systems by creating more consistent requirement items for regulatory authorities and the industrial field while satisfying the high criteria for human health and environmental safety based on a global policy for regulatory cooperation approved by the ICCA in 2015.
ICCM International Conference on Chemicals Management International conference on the management of chemical substances.
JaIME Japan Initiative of Marine Enviroment Japan Initiative of Marin Environment. Conference for marine plastic problems
JAMP Joint Article Management Promotion- consortium A consortium for promoting article management that appropriately manage information on chemical substances contained in an article (parts and finished products) and promotes a system for conveying the information throughout the supply chain.
JEITA Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association
JIPS Japan Initiative of Product Stewardship Risk evaluation considering the supply chain and voluntary approaches by the industrial field on the basis of risk management.
KOCIC Korea Chemical Industry Council
LRI Long-range Research Initiative Voluntary activities that support studies on the impact of chemical substances on human health and environment over a long period of time based on funds invested by LRI member companies. The initiative is driven by the cooperation of three chemical associations from Japan, the U.S., and European countries (JCIA, ACC and Cefic).
NF3 Nitrogen trifluoride Nitrogen trifluoride is a type of greenhouse gas.
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
PFCS Perfluorocarbons Perfluorocarbons such as CF 4 and C 2 F 6 .
PRTR Pollutant Release and Transfer Register A system for notifying the release and transfer of chemical substances. It is a system for collecting, aggregating, and publicizing data on a diverse range of hazardous chemical substances being released to the environment or transferred off-site as waste, bringing together information about which chemicals are being released, where, how much, and by whom.
PS Product Stewardship Product stewardship is product management based on the concept of all parties involved with any part of a product’s life cycle, namely, the manufacturer, retailer, user, and disposer, taking responsibility in reducing the product’s environmental impact.
RC Responsible Care Activities wherein each company handling chemical substances voluntarily secures the environment, safety, and health in all processes of development of chemical substances, manufacturing distribution, use, final consumption disposal, and recycling and then discloses the outcome of activities and communicates with society.
RCEP Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Wide-regional free trade agreement by a group of nations RCEP mainly consisting of ASEAN (16 countries composed of Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Japan, China, Korea, India, Australia, and New Zealand)
RCLG Responsible Care Leadership Group An organization within ICCA
REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals Rules concerning the registration, evaluation, authorization, and restriction of chemicals
SAICM Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management It was enacted and adopted at the International Conference on Chemicals Management in 2006 to achieve this goal.
SDGs Sustainable Development Goals Seventeen goals until 2030 concerning poverty, starvation, energy, climate SDGs change, industry and innovation as agendas of 2030 for sustainable development were adopted by the UN in November 2015. Successor of Millennium Development Goals.
SDS Safety Data Sheet Safety data sheet for chemical substances that includes information on the safety of the target chemical substance. It has been conventionally called the “MSDS” in Japan.
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride Sulfur hexafluoride is a type of greenhouse gas.
SWEEs Integrated Score-based Workplace Exposure Estimation system Exposure assessment tool developed by Professor TOKAI of Osaka University Graduate School of Engineering for the estimation of exposure in the work environment.
TCFD Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures In response to a G20 request, this task force was established by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) for disclosure of climate-related information and to review how to take action as financial institutions.
TPP Trans-Pacific Partnership or Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement Indicates the economic cooperation agreement that promotes not only customs duties for articles but also liberalization of services and investments and establishes 21st century type rules for intellectual property, financial services, electronic commerce, and the discipline of national enterprises in the Asia-Pacific region.
TPP11 Trans-Pacific Partnership or Trans- Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement In February 2016, 12 countries signed the TPP Agreement, but in January 2017, the United States declared its withdrawal, so this agreement was basically agreed at the TPP Ministerial Meeting held in Vietnam in November 2017. In March 2018, Ministers from 11 countries signed it, and it became effective in December.
TSCA Toxic Substances Control Act Hazardous substance restriction act. A US law on the restriction of manufacturing hazardous chemical substances. Established in 1976. Intended to restrict the unreasonable risk of chemical substances against human health and the environment. Under this act, a person who newly manufactures or imports chemical substances must notify the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). The EPA reviews and can impose necessary conditions (including prohibitions).
WBCSD World Business Council for Sustainable Development Conference organized by businesspersons who gathered from 33 countries in 1991 to prepare the Earth Summit in 1992. Currently, it is composed of 170 international companies from more than 35 countries bridging 20 industrial sectors. It continues activities about three pillars of economic growth, ecological balance, and social progress.
WS Workshop A workshop is a hands-on, interactive group learning method where participants do not unilaterally listen to the lecturer, but rather join discussions and take part in experiences.
WG Working Group Working group organized for promoting investigations and planning of particular problems.
WSSD2020 World Summit on Sustainable Development An international goal agreed at the World Summit on Sustainable Development held in Johannesburg in 2002, which aims “to achieve, by 2020, that chemicals are used and produced in ways that lead to the minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.”

Editorial Policy

*JCIA Annual Report" is published to widely publicize the activities of JCIA to stakeholders including members. We aim at creating an easily understandable report by summarizing into one page cross-sectional activities of JCIA such as activities as members of international society and human resources development activities. In addition, "JCIA Annual Report Material Version," which introduces various data and efforts regarding the activities of JCIA, wil be published in the fall.