Important Business

1. Activities representing Japan's chemical industry

JCIA works promptly to serve the needs of its members and
society, addressing the issues that are common to the industry, as
well as global issues that individual companies, organizations
and associations find challenging.

(Activities in Japan)
Advocate chemical industry views, opinions and policy recommendations to regulatory authorities.

Present policy proposals and recommendations to relevant parties.

Sit on or recommend individuals who should sit on government advisory councils and expert committees.

Communicates regulatory news and information to JCIA members.

Recent Major Achievements

1.  Provided industry
opinions for the government's review of the regulations on chemical
substances, the environment and occupational safety and health.
2.  Provided position papers for the proposed revision of Commercial Code and tax laws.
3.  Provided opinions to the
government advisory councils, including Industrial Structure Council and
Central Environmental Council on measures to prevent global warming.
4.  Launched an e-mail news
network with elements such as "JCIA EHS Net", "REACH Net", "Trade Net",
"Japan-China Net", "Finance & Economy Net" and "PR Net" to members.

(Activities overseas)
Participate in international activities relating to
the risk management of chemicals of relevance to ICCA; continue
joint voluntary research initiatives; and promote activities
relating to Energy & Climate Change Leadership Group (Japan is
the chair country of the group).

Participate in various international conferences to present
JCIA views and recommendations, and promote information exchanges
with the chemical industries of the United States, Europe and
other parts of the world.

Work to achieve global harmonization of environment, safety and health-related standards.

Recent Major Achievements

1.  Participated in ICCA
voluntary activities relating to the management of chemicals including
ICCA GPS (Global Product Strategy), High Production Volume (HPV)
Initiative (hazard assessment of high production volume chemical
2.  Participated in ICCA
Long-Range Research Initiative (LRI): industry's voluntary and
long-range research program on the safety of chemical products, and held
JCIA LRI 10th Anniversary Event in Tokyo.
3.  Responded to SAICM
(Strategic Approach to International Chemical Management) and GHS
(Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labelling of
4.  Responded to Europe's
Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
(REACH) and CLP (Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation).
5.  Participated in activities relating to the management of chemicals organized by OECD and other international bodies.
6.  ICCA: Adaptation,
diffusion and promotion of a new viewpoint towards the reduction of
greenhouse gases (c-LCA, carbon lifecycle analysis)
7.  Participated in APEC Chemical Dialogue (APEC public-private dialogue program)and AMEICC

2. Promoting the Responsible Care Initiative

JCIA has aggressively promoted Responsible Care® (RC)
activity, in which top management of companies voluntarily commit
to "secure environment, safety and health," making improvements
based on voluntarily established goals and then making those
results public, to create discourse and better communicate with
society. In addition, Japan Responsible Care Council (JRCC)
approved the "RC World Charter" in 2005, and five years later, in
2010, JCIA has integrated JRCC into its organization and has been
working on promoting further activity.

Promoting information disclosure and effective communication.

Extending Responsible Care activities and securing objectivity and transparency.

Recent Major Achievements

1. Held Responsible Care workshops, gatherings for members and a board of advisors.
2.  Held dialogue meetings
with local communities (students, consumers and others), published "RC
reports," and held meetings to report the results to the public.
3.  Implemented verification procedures to ensure transparency and reliability of Responsible Care activities.
4.  To advance Responsible
Care activities in Asia, we took a leadership role in operating the Asia
Pacific Responsible Care Organization, and dispatched experts/lecturers
to Asian countries.


3. Activities relating to environment, process safety and disaster
     prevention, occupational safety and healthResponding
     to environmental, health and safety issues

Concerning various issues relating to environmental
preservation, process safety and disaster prevention, promotion of
occupational safety and health, both in Japan and abroad, JCIA
gathers information on the most recent trends and provides that
data to its members in an effort to reflect the opinions of the
chemical industry and promote relevant voluntary activities.

EHS information among member companies, as well as promoting research
and study activities in cooperation with interested organizations
and groups.

Promoting various workshops, seminars and educational programs.

Recent Major Achievements

1.  Gathered information on
the current situation on air and water pollutants, and industrial
wastes, promoting reduction measures through voluntary action plans.
2.  Investigated PRTR
(Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) substances that are unique to
JCIA and followed up on the voluntary management activity for volatile
organic compounds (VOC).
3.  Voluntarily conducted a
survey about possibly dangerous substances under the fire prevention law
and promoted the control of chemicals.
4. Coordinated and worked
with relevant organizations to make an adjustment between the
corresponding laws on the transportation of dangerous products and UN
recommendations. Promoted the use of Emergency Response Cards (the
so-called Yellow Card) in Japan.
5.  Gathered information on
the revision of Industrial Safety and Health Law and provided it to
members and promoted relevant voluntary activities.

4. Activities relating to chemical safety

To thoroughly manage chemical safety, JCIA gathers and
provides its members with information on the most updated trends
of various domestic and international issues, to generate opinions
based on scientific evidence and promote relevant voluntary

Ensure members are aware of current information, work on relevant parties, and promote research and study activity.

Expand various training and education activities

Recent Major Achievements

1.  Promoted a new initiative (Japan Initiative of Product Stewardship–GPS/JIPS) based on product stewardship. 
2.  Promoted work on the
Japan Challenge Program, a program to facilitate the gathering of safety
information on chemicals, a joint initiative of the Japanese Government
and the industry.
3.  Worked on the revision of
the chemical product law and on the introduction of GHS in Japan
(Revision of Material Safety Data Sheet to meet the requirement of GHS).
4.  Responded to the movement towards Green Purchasing by users and responded on the information transmission in the supply chain. 

5. Promotion of communication, public outreach and fostering
     human resources activities

To promote greater public confidence in chemical products
and their use, JCIA is committed to providing information on the
safety of chemicals and the contributions made by chemical
products to society. At the same time, JCIA tackles education
activity on chemicals and supports the fostering of human

Facilitating effective communication with stakeholders to build good relationships.

Introducing the chemical industry's voluntary actions that
address EHS issues and increase public awareness and understanding
of the potential rewards and risks of chemical products and of
the issue on global warming.

Raising awareness on the usefulness and future potential of
chemicals, working to increase public understanding and interest
in the science of chemistry.

Recent Major Achievements

1.  Organized communication
with consumer groups, relevant agencies and media, and participated in
the "Roundtable Conference on Chemicals and Environment" organized by
the Ministry of Environment.
2.  Published brochures such as "Chemical Industry of Japan in Graphs" and provided information via website. 
3.  Promoted and supported activities in line with the "International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 2011." 
4.  Supported universities with "Human Resources Fostering Program in Chemistry." 
5.  Conducted "Dream Chemistry 21" campaign (a
summer holiday chemical experiment show for children, a
senior high school chemistry contest grand prix, dispatching
of representative students to the International Chemistry

 6. Reinforcing cooperation among chemical industry-related

To promote the integration of common functions and reinforce
the functions of Japan's chemical industry associations, we aimed
at furthering the collaboration of chemical industry associations
with the integration of the offices of eight associations,
including JCIA, in November 2003.

To strengthen and increase the
influence of policy recommendations and communications within the
chemical industry as a whole.

To make adjustments to the missions and functions of
chemical industry associations and integrate those common

Recent Major Achievements

1.  Promoted post-Kyoto
Protocol response activities and support for energy-saving and
environmental technologies, as well as communications activities to
manage global warming issues.
2.  Shared information and
held seminars and lectures through "Communication
Coordination Meetings of Chemical Industry Associations."